BAT reference books – application prospects

To date, many countries of the world are working on the greening of industrial enterprises that have a negative impact on the environment, one of which is the transition to the best available technologies (BAT). At the webinar organized by the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects (ICTIP), world-class experts, leading Kazakhstani experts in the field of BAT told about the need to switch to BAT, the prospects of BAT reference books, as well as their advantage       s in environmental protection.

Opening the online webinar, Saltanat Almurzayeva, the Head of the Directories of the Analytical Department of the Bureau of NDT, spoke about the prevention and control of industrial pollution, the principles of sustainable development, the main stages of the introduction of NDT and the system of issuing permits based on BAT.

As you know, today most States are making efforts to use the BAT-based approach. So, in 2021, a lot of work was done in our country to develop a new Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the speaker, according to the requirements of the new Code, the availability of integrated environmental permits is mandatory for Category I facilities, which is primarily based on the application of BAT.

Vitaly Ostapchuk, General Director of "OST engineering" LLP, Academician of the MAIN, dwelt in more detail on the requirements of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the establishment of an automated monitoring system (AFM) of emissions.

«The functioning of the automated monitoring system, the measurements carried out by it, their processing, transmission, storage and use must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of technical regulation, on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on informatization», -  the speaker said.

As Vitaly Ostapchuk notes, operators of Category I facilities are required to install an automated system for monitoring emissions into the environment at the main stationary sources of emissions in accordance with the procedure for conducting automated monitoring of emissions into the environment. By the way, for existing enterprises of Category I facilities, the obligation to implement AFM on the main stationary emission sources comes into force on January 1, 2023.

Features of BAT rationing were presented to the webinar listeners by Temirbek Almagzhanov, Head of the BAT reference Books of the Analytical Department of the ICTIP Reference Books, an expert in the oil and gas industry and the agro-industrial complex. In his speech, he presented a scheme for determining emission standards into the environment, shared recommendations for establishing environmental performance, and also gave illustrative examples of procedures for determining emission levels.

Following the results of the online meeting, the participants noted the real importance of the topics raised at the webinar, exchanged views, and received exhaustive answers from the speakers to their questions.

BAT reference books – application prospects BAT reference books – application prospects
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